Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some friends, some family and a lot of LOVE

It's just too dang cute not to take a couple pics. of her.
She fell asleep as I was feeding her rice cereal

Spread eagle

Chillin in her bath robe.

Feeling good after her bath

I can play with my toes and sit by myself for 4 secs!!

Stella and her grandpa

Stella and her cousin Garrett about to hug. :)

Stella and the love potion balloon. It looks like she might fly away

So this is my second post and I am so proud of myself for getting this far! :) Well let's see. Valentines day has come and passed. It was so wonderful. Alex and I went snowboarding the night before Valentines day with our friends Anthony and Laurie and my brother Matt. It was really cold and snowy but we had a lot of fun. For Love day I gave Alex a camel pack and some skull candy headphones to go down on the slopes with. Then on Valentines day, he cooked me a candle lit dinner and surprised me with a ginormous love potion balloon, tulips and a huge sweet card. It was fantastic. We finished off the night with taking some pictures of Stella with the love potion balloon. Super cute!!

On Tuesday we got to watch our nephew Garrett for a few hours. He and Stella are 11 days apart. He is so mellow compared to sweet Stella. It was so much fun to watch them interact with each other. Having him over for just a few hours made me realize I don't think I could ever handle twins. Thank goodness for 1 baby at a time. I am so glad that Stella has little cousins close to her age to grow up with. It's great to be so close with family.

Well we are super excited because we just found out that we got approved to rent this town house after our lease on our apartment is up on April 30th. It's beautiful and has so much more room for us. We can't wait! It's 3 bedroom and 2 1/2 bath and has a 2 car garage. It's perfect for our little family.

I am also so excited to be going WA to visit for 4 days. I leave tomorrow night and I can't wait! It's going to be Stella's first time leaving Utah and flying on a plane. I am very excited for her to come with me.

I have a few pictures to post from the last few days. I will also post some more when I get back from WA.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My new blog! The old one was "special" and it had to be deleted

She's waving!! :) Well kinda
Stella standing on her own holding on her crib.

Where's the baby??

What a happy girl!!

My parents and the beautiful bride and groom

our little family

I am starting over. When I started my blog New Years Eve I realized that my blog was a little "special." I couldn't post any pictures and no one could make any comments. So I deleted the old one and just started a new one. So hopefully this one will make the cut. :)

WellI just want to catch you up a few things. Stella has started eating rice cereal!!! It has been very exciting to watch her eat. She loves it! We put her in her little high chair that attaches to our chairs and she goes to town. She likes to put her hand on my hand and help me feed her. It's the cutest thing to watch. The doctor said we can start to give her something new each week. So I think next week we are going to try some veggies. Stella is almost 19 weeks. She will be 5 months in 2 more weeks! She is getting so old so fast. She loves to laugh and smile a lot. She also is grabbing for everything and wanting to put it in her mouth. She can stand on her own if she is holding onto something. She can roll side to side but she isn't turning over quite yet. She's getting there though. She loves talking.. well you know goo goo and ga ga. :) No actual words yet but I think once she learns some words she will be talking non stop! She loves to interact and play. She is so much fun right now and we are loving it!

Also last month we were able to see Heather get married. She was married on Jan 17th to Matt Johnson. The wedding was beautiful! They look so happy and it's fun to have another addition to the family. It was great having so many family members and friends come in from out of town to support both of them. We are so happy for her and him and wish them the very best!

Well that's it for now. I will be posting some pictures in a just a little bit and a video. Stay tuned for next time!