Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pretty Pretty Princess 9 months old

At 9 month check up...

Stella and I waiting for her MD.

Hmmm.. how much did I really get into my mouth..

Food painting... well dinner... :)

Stella loving her jumpy toy!

Stella is 9 months old!! and couple days past. :) She had her 9 month check up and everythig is looking great. Weighing in at 17 1/2 lbs and 27 1/2 inches long! SHe's my lengthy peanut! At this stage she is starting to eat some regular food besides the baby stuff. She can stand up to 5 seconds. Not always consistantly but sometimes. It's a good start. She's not crawling but she has decided that scooting gets her around just fine. She has 2 teeth on the bottom of her mouth. She has just got the concept of drinking out of a straw. It's pretty funny to watch her get some juice that way. It's a surprise to her everytime she does it. She can wave bye bye to her mommy and daddy pretty good now. She understands her name and when it's called. She likes to scoot down backwards off our bed and onto the ground. (As long as we are there to catch her) Da da is still her favorite thing to say and sometimes she will say Ba ba no mama yet but that's ok. :) We are getting ready to take our first road trip with her to WA. We are excited and nervous to see how she will do.

We are headed to WA to celebrate our parents 40th wedding anniversiry. I will post pics when we get back!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

London the newest member of our family.

Basking in the sun.

Miss princess dog.....

Oh isn't she funny....

Exciting news!! We got a dog last month. Not just any dog, but an english bull dog. She is the sweestest thing ever. How it happened. Alex was looking on line like he always does for a dog. Now he knew we couldn't get a dog right now but he sends me links to look at what he has found. He sent me this link of this sweet bull dog who just looked like she wanted a good home. She is a rescued bull dog. We got her from these people who rescues all sorts of animals but their specialty are bull dogs. London was rescued from a person who use to beat her and leave her outside all winter long in a dog house. They took her in and help rehabilate her for 7 months. We then called asked if she was still available and she was. We drove 3 1/2 hours to get her but she is worth it. She is so good with Stella and us. She was already potty trained. She love's LOVES car rides and going for walks. She has quite the personality and sometimes attitude. A little stubern sometimes but she fits right into our little family. :) We love her and we are glad she is ours now.

Hmmm what can I do now??

Getting ready to clap!!
Hmmm which one should I wear to eat?

I am favoring the pink one with the lady bug.

London with Stella. Best friends!!

Stella is 8 months old now. You can clap. Wave good bye, talk (in baby talk) when someone talks to you. You are trying to walk but can't do it on your own just yet. You like to scoot around on the floor. Not really crawling yet but you get to the places you want to go. I am not sure if you will crawl before you walk. You're quite eager to be on your legs. :) You can stand for sometime holding on to things. You think it's funny to fake cough. You love to hold things and then drop them so we will pick them up for you. It has turned into quite a game. You have 1 tooth coming through right now. The rest haven't followed but it's fun to see one pearly white. You're hair is starting to grow more. Everyone thinks I have given you a hair cut but it's really because you're hair is starting to come in. You love taking walks outside in your stroller. You love it when I run when you're in the stroller. You have discovered that you can make different noises with your mouth. Right now you favor the smacking sound. You also love playing with London (our english bull dog.) You like to scoot to her and try to pet her and play with her face. It's quite cute to watch.

swimming along

She was all tuckered out after her fun day at the pool.

Here are some of the pictures that I took of her day at the pool.

Stella is such a water baby. She loves the water. She was kicking and splashing and playing with it. She was having such a good time. Can't wait to start on swim lessons. :)

So Alex, Stella and I were able to go swimming this last weekend at our friend's house. We had such good time. We had pizza, hung out by the pool and then we went to Alex soccer game and Stella got to watch her daddy play soccer. What a great time we had.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Lions, Tigers and Bears OH MY!!

Stella took her first trip to the zoo this last weekend. She loved it! Well I think she did. She may have been more interested in the fences than the actual animals.. That's ok though. We all had a great day. My favorites were the giraffs and the peacock. It was a beautiful day to be outside.