Tuesday, June 2, 2009

swimming along

She was all tuckered out after her fun day at the pool.

Here are some of the pictures that I took of her day at the pool.

Stella is such a water baby. She loves the water. She was kicking and splashing and playing with it. She was having such a good time. Can't wait to start on swim lessons. :)

So Alex, Stella and I were able to go swimming this last weekend at our friend's house. We had such good time. We had pizza, hung out by the pool and then we went to Alex soccer game and Stella got to watch her daddy play soccer. What a great time we had.


  1. What a doll! Cute photos!!! Can't wait to see her again :)

  2. Wow! what a great photographer you have...she's a beautie...can't wait to catch some more sun rays...

  3. Stella is so cute sleeping! I love that pic, it's my fave! Thanks for letting me in on your blog, I've been real bad and haven't blogged for a while. I'll try to be better! Have a great day!
